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The entrance gate is visible on the ss 125 at km 236.5.

It is about 80 km from Olbia and 50 km from S. Teodoro and Budoni, 17 km from La Caletta.

For those coming from the south, 43 km from Cala Gonone, 55 km from Nuoro and 13 km from Orosei.

Please find us on google maps.


for urgent reasons you can call us at these phone numbers:

+39 333 179 83 35

+39 342 355 99 75

No phone reservations will be accepted.

You can buy tickets online from our website or from our ticket office at the park entrance.

Due to the high volume of requests, there might be problems to complete the buy of the tickets.
In these cases please just try again at least 30 minutes later.

Thank you!